About Me

Welcome to the konn3ct hacks blog. konn3ct hacks is a platform for educating people on finding legitimate ways to make money online, with a particular focus on 3rd world countries. 

There are hundreds of skills you can learn online and use to make money. You won’t need any prior education or knowledge in those fields either to be able to learn them. Having been introduced to the world of earning money online, I’m paying it forward and sharing the knowledge I have with you. 


My story starts in a small country in Africa with challenges of unemployment and low wages for the few who are employed. I was a smart kid and I aced my Advanced Level studies, which gave me the opportunity to study any Science degree at University. I chose Chemical Engineering because I was fascinated by its applicability to a variety of industries. 

Fast forward 5 years (and a lot of equations) and I was graduating with the highest honors. A lot of people advised me to study for a Master’s degree in a more developed country so I could have access to better career opportunities. This didn’t appeal to me because I’d been learning for the past 16 years. It was time to apply what I’d learnt and do something more practical to earn money.

I managed to score an opportunity at an up-and-coming company to start off as a graduate trainee, which I immediately took on. It was a rare chance that over half of my classmates failed to get due to the low and continually shrinking employment levels in our country. 

During that time, a friend of mine, after also being frustrated by the lack of employment in our field, started learning digital marketing online. My friend managed to get apprenticeships while she studied and was eventually employed. Her freelance salary as a beginner was more than I made at my day job! 

After 2 years, I was let go from the company I was working for because they were facing financial challenges. I took this as an opportunity to learn skills that could help me make money online, starting with programming and web development, skills I had always wanted to learn.

I found a free, certified course in HTML and CSS, which I completed before learning JavaScript online as well. That’s when the coronavirus hit and everything was shut down. The reality of getting employment in the already struggling industry of my nation faded. Even if I were to get a job after the coronavirus shutdown ended, with the economic situation only getting worse, the salary wouldn’t be enough. 

Even though I was already pursuing online platforms, I realised that this avenue was not only ideal, but also the ideal source of a liveable income. While I partnered with my friend in freelance copywriting, I searched for more opportunities to learn applicable, money-making skills online. I continue to pursue more online ventures to learn, as well as to apply the knowledge I’ve acquired to earn money online.



There are lots of opportunities to make money online. Some of these are limited for people in 3rd world countries, which presents a challenge. Even when you score an opportunity, challenges like accessing your payments from your country pose an extra hurdle.

I started konn3ct hacks to help people in countries like mine find ways to use the internet to make money and to offer solutions to the many hurdles they may encounter. 

After the coronavirus hit, many people came to realise that they need an income they can depend on, no matter what. konn3ct hacks can help you learn how to earn money on the side without giving up your day job. If you do it right, your side hustle could become your main hustle, without any hassle. 



konn3ct hacks aims to help you learn valuable skills online so you can have an income that doesn’t rely on a formal job. With an audience of over 3 billion people online, there are millions of opportunities to use that to make money. You could even learn how to do the job you’re already doing in the real world, online so you can work on your own schedule and have more time for the things that matter.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. You can also post suggestions of topics you’d like me to cover so I can give you the konn3ct hacks you need most.

All the best,




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